Monthly Archives: August 2014

So it’s Monday! And this past week has been crazy… but here’s are some of my thoughts (now call me baby?!)  I felt like that was appropriate because I’ve had that song STUCK in my head for what feels like eternity now!

Each month, I sit down and start to think of business things!  What worked well, what didn’t work well that month!  Where can I invest more time or what really needs more of my attention and what can I pull back from.

Basically, I like to see what my game changers are!

This month has been a wild roller coaster ride.  This whole year has been a wild roller coaster ride, but I’ve learned some really key things about my own business!

So.. I thought I’d share them with you because sometimes we all just need a little insight on how other people are making their way through.  Plus, in all honesty, sometimes just putting yourself out there is a good thing!

Here are some of my Game Changers this month:

  • Constantly re-working and updating my website!  This has helped me so much because I’m now highlighting all my recent work which is so completely different from my past work!  With each session we grow and develop.  Trends are changing and I’m also comfortably finding my own cozy place in my own style consistently!
  • Online system for contracts and invoices and new clients!  This is something I fought for sooo long!  I hate contracts but they are a necessary evil.  I am soo much more diligent about contracts now that I use an online signing system and all that anxiety surrounding contracts has disappeared!  Plus it’s amazing for organization in my office!
  • Scheduling days!  This is huge and it makes life easier for my family!  I set consistent days where I shoot sessions during the week.  The rest of the days are spent between family time/down time and office time!  I finally feel like I have a bit of balance AND my productivity and turn over is so much better!
  • Knowing my strengths and letting go of the other stuff!  I know that I love candids.  I know that I can make my clients feel comfortable and at ease in order to get those natural, candid moments.  I also know that decorating and styling and details (as much as I love them) are not my strongest.  I’ve learned to let go of what I’m fair at or not great at and really appreciate what I AM creating and doing well.
  • Paper planner!  I know this is old school but it works for me.  I have to see everything in writing all laid out in front of me in order to get the big picture.  I know you can see that on the computer but it’s just not the same!  There’s also something really satisfying for me when I am able to write down a date in a calendar and then highlight it, cross it off, or star it!  This works for me and while it’s not the most efficient probably, it makes a difference in my business!

So those are some things that I’ve got on my list so far.  Today I get to sit and finish the rest:  what didn’t work out so well and what I can do and choose for my goals next month!

Happy Monday everyone and I hope you had a wonderful and restful weekend!

This week I will be sharing some fun party pics from a wedding celebration as well as an amazing anniversary session!

Here’s a little sneak peek of the session I worked on last night!

I’ve been talking about really big things happening over here for all my clients… and it’s about time I revealed what’s going on!

I’ve been really inspired lately… this past year really… to up the game for children and family photography!  Last year I decided to specialize in it because it was where my heart was and it’s where my passion for photography really lives!

This year though that passion increased ten fold when Tuck was away.  I realized just how incredibly important children and family portrait photography truly is and how this area of photography needed some real love and some real growth!

I realized that with each passing day our stories are changing, second by second!~  I realized that each day WE are changing and our children are growing and moving forward right before our eyes.  We may not see it because we are there every day and so we become so accustomed to those little tiny details.  When we step away though for a day or two, well it just hits us like a mack truck!  Before we know it, the time has flown by and our babies are grown up and have independent stories of their own!

I recognized some things in this part of the industry that I wanted to enhance and I wanted to really change and make special for families!

This is why I created the Lifetime Experience and why I am so incredibly excited about it!

I don’t want to just BE your family photographer… I want to be MORE than that!  I want to create a real relationship with you and your family so that years from now, I can help you remember all those tiny moments that happened in between those big adventurous ones!

I want to be your photographer and help you document your families moments for a lifetime!  There is not a single moment that I don’t want to be a part of or share with you!

When we think about the images we want framed in our house, we want the type of images that are raw and genuine and beautiful!  The BEST way to get those images is to know the person behind the camera and have a real relationship with them!  A relationship that is build on trust and a relationship that is comfortable!  You want your children to feel at ease with them and feel excited to see them!  I want to be that person and I can do this by being a consistent person and friend in your life.  I specialize in only children and family so I have the time and the availability to spend all of it on YOUR family!  Your family has my undivided attention!

I don’t want to just be a photographer that comes and goes.  I don’t want to just be someone who swoops in with the click of a button.  I want to be a part of your life and share those good times and share those memories!  I want to be more than just that photographer that has a million sessions on their plate.  I want to know what your children love and what they are into.  I want to know how they are growing and what activities they love at this moment.  I want meet them on the session and then have the time to not only shoot but also play and have fun!  I want to have the time just like you do.  The time for everyone to just play and feel free and relaxed!  We don’t need to rush these moments any more than they already are!

For more information on the Lifetime Experience check out the website:


Timing is a funny thing!  It has a way of working itself out on it’s own schedule, not when we want it to.  Usually it seems like it’s all wrong or funny or ironic, but in the end when you look back timing is usually kind of spot on and perfect.

This was the case when we started planning our family session with this incredible family!  We had it all set and planned last year but so many things kept coming up or getting in the way.  Illness struck a few times, weather came and went that prevented us all from getting to where we wanted to be but in the end timing just happened to work out perfect!

Almost a year later we all came together at Courtney’s family house on the water and we all just played and laughed and spent an evening of fun together!  It was a family session that I live for and one that I will never ever forget!

I truly felt blessed to spend just a few hours with this beautiful and close family!  A family that loves God and loves one another in a way that you can truly see and feel!

A little bit about Courtney according to her family:  She’s beachy, and she active but she loves the quiet too.  She’s very social and she loves her family (although sometimes she wishes her family would be a teeny bit quieter!)

A little bit about Tim (from Courtney):  He’s fun and traditional.  He’s thoughtful and he keeps our family smiling!  He’s very family focused!

A little bit about Taylor (6 years old):  He loves swimming, legos and water guns!  He’s fun loving and silly!  He’s thoughtful, sensitive and carefree!

A little bit about William (4 years old):  He loves swimming and go karts!  He loves to fish and loves t-ball!  He is helpful, quiet, impulsive (sometimes), loves to hug, loves to smile and is the most dapper of all the boys!

A little bit about Benjamin (2 years old):  Loves anything that his brothers are into!~  Loves to play with cars and trucks.  He is loud and never wants to miss a single thing!  He is happy and very conversational and always very busy!

How fun is this family?!  Right!!!!  And now probably one of the most amazing couples I have EVER met and will ever meet!

Dr. Hubbard (according to Courtney):  He’s sentimental and traditional.  He’s very hoard working.  He’s a republican which is important to him.  He loves hid bride and his family very much!

Mrs. Hubbard (Candy):  She loves her boys (her grandkids!)  She loves her horse and she is very traditional and very family focused and faith focused as well.

I’ve never met two people more in love… fresh in love!  Dr. Hubbard always wanted to know where his girl was and it touched my heart in a way that reminded me we should always appreciate our loved ones.  Even as newly weds we don’t appreciate one another the way this couple truly appreciated each other!  We often take our loved ones for granted but not Dr. and Mrs. Hubbard!  They love each other with 100 percent of their hearts, 100 percent of the time without fail!  It was really moving and something I will always remember for the rest of my life.  Something I hope to be able to apply to my marriage every day from here on out!


We left the dock and switched things up from popsicles and treats to a little dip in the pool!  The boys had a blast jumping in and showing me all their amazing tricks!   Tim broke out the water guns and things really got exciting then!  It was such a fun way to end the night!

I enjoyed these boys so much!  I even put my camera down and jumped in on some of the water fun!

Thanks guys for such an incredible night!  Courtney and Tim you have an INCREDIBLE family!  I can’t wait to see you guys again!  Taylor, William and Benjamin… next time I’m coming with my own little water surprise… so BE READY!!! MWAHHHHAHAHAHAAH!