Monthly Archives: August 2014

I had a totally different post in mind for this morning, but sometimes you just gotta roll right?!

I think all the mama’s (and dad’s too, I won’t discriminate) will say a silent amen to what I’ve got going on today!

For the most part, I consider myself a stay at home mom.  I LOVE this role.  I love spending the day with Lincoln and participating in all his adventures and getting to see his little boy world unravel each and every day.  I cherish it.  I love waking up with him in the mornings and making his breakfast and sharing our crazy morning conversations.  They are some of the best!

I love that some mornings (like this morning) he just wants to snuggle in his bed with me.  By snuggling, I  mean he wants to a lay in his bed and read books (on a good day) or on a normal day it means he wants to run his excavator up and down mommy’s face.

This is the role I always dreamed I would have and wanted so badly all my life!

Linc does go to school a few days a week.  While this makes me sad a bit, he absolutely adores it!  He can’t get in the door to his classroom fast enough and he can’t get me OUT of the door fast enough.  I usually get a quick “bye, love you” before he slams the door in my face.  School is wonderful for him and he gets to participate in some of the most amazing activities that I would never ever dream up!

School also means that I get to come home and actually work at my other job:  photographer.  I also cherish this role and I love that for a few days out of the week for just a few hours, my clients get my full, undivided attention!  This is why I am able to turn over my sessions so fast.  It’s why I am able to respond to e mails in less that 24 hours (most of the time) and why  I am able to treat my clients like they are my family, because to me they are~!

I LOVE my job as a photographer and I love that I get to be both these roles.

What most people also don’t know about me is that I also teach body flow on the side!  Body flow is a yoga, pilates tai chi combination class developed by Les Mills.  If you haven’t heard of it or ever taken a class you HAVE to go check it out.  It’s an amazing class and if you have ever wanted to try yoga but are a bit afraid to go to an actual yoga class… this is the class for you to try!

I love teaching body flow because it’s another way I can serve people.  I also love it because it helps me quiet my mind and gives me a sense of peace and calm.  It’s also set to really phenomenal popular music so it’s a place for me to connect to music in a way that reminds me of a time when I used to dance.

I also really pride myself on being big on family and being a good home maker.  I know that might sound silly to some but it’s the truth.  I may not be suzi home make because let’s face, I’m AWFUL at baking ( I can even mess up the little drop and bake cookies that are in the freezer section something fierce) but I love creating a home that is comfortable for family.  One that we can take pride in.  I love having family dinners where all of us can come to the table and eat the same meal and talk together about our day.  I love creating a home that is neat and cozy.  One where Linc can feel safe and comfortable playing and having fun in but also is presentable and welcoming to guests.  That’s quite the task when lego’s feel like instant death under your feet.

I cherish all these roles but sometimes they tend to clash with one another!  Especially when you are trying to be everything to everyone all the time.  It’s impossible and perfection is impossible!  As hard as you try, it’s just not there and working harder gets the better of you.

Perfection isn’t even a good thing right?!  It’s boring.  The flaws are what make us beautiful and interesting.  It’s what helps us to connect with one another and makes us endearing to each other.  Still though, we all strive for it… and at some point we all fail.

Last night, I failed miserably and I had a mini melt down.  I had a toddler melt down actually.  It was the laundry room that threw me in.

Anyone with a front loader washing machine will totally understand how I feel on this!  I went in to fold what I thought was “clean” laundry and realized they all smelled like mold.  UGH BANE OF MY EXISTENCE!  Dumb front loader!  The thing with those awful machines is if you leave a load in there longer than hour or two, they get this funky moldy smell.  Who can be on top of the laundry like that with a family?!  WHO!!!

Our laundry has been piling up and I just feel like I can’t get out from underneath it.  So this clean laundry stinking just threw me over the top.  I melted down after a day of Linc feeling less than perky.  A day of tasks that needed to get done being pushed aside for yet another day.  I felt buried under all the things I needed to do and I felt like I was failing.  I was frustrated and upset and worst of all, I felt embarrassed.  I was embarrassed because I couldn’t keep up with the pace I had set and I was letting down all these people I so wanted to please.

I couldn’t be everything I wanted to be to everyone at that moment!

So what happened?!

I woke up this morning and realized it’s just not going to be possible all the time… and that’s OK!  No one can be perfect and no one can be everything to everyone EVER!  You just do the best you can and laugh at all the other stuff.  I’m human and I’m not perfect and I will celebrate all my flaws.

I will let go of the laundry room moldy smell.  I will re-wash and laugh about it.  I will realize it’s kind of funny that the dog only pees in the house when I’m home with her right after we’ve just spent an hour outside playing.  It’s just funny when the neighbor’s cat taunts our big scary pitbull (who is somewhat afraid of that cat) that when she jumps up she spills my coffee all over me onto the only last pair of clean clothes I have (including my bra).  So yes if you plan on seeing me today, I will be wearing no bra!

Everything will get done… it just has it’s own time!  Some days we all need to allow ourself a moment to breath, drink a little extra coca cola (or your beverage of choice) and enjoy the day!

In light of that I’m going to share with you my laundry room  that was just picked up, and my pantry (the pantry that still gives me hives when I think about how awful it is in there.)  Give me a shout out if you have rooms in your house that look the same!

And yes that would be a box of Krispy Kreme donuts in the back of the pantry and yes there is still one or two donuts in there.  Sad but true!

It was an absolute perfect night!  We had the beach and dunes all to ourselves (almost.. we did have some photo bombers coming off the beach that gave us a bit of a laugh!)  There was an amazing breeze that kept us all perfectly cool, but the biggest bonus… NO BUGS!  Seriously, that’s a huge bonus for me and for any gorgeous mama to be because those little buggies will come from miles away to get at you!

I absolutely adore Jessica!  She teaches at the little gym and Lincoln has a serious crush on her!  As soon as we get in the car to go to our Beasts class, all he can talk about is Mrs. Jessica and running and beasty beasts!  Of course, when we actually get there he plays his shy little act and bats his little eye lashes at her while hiding behind me.  He’s a mess!

I was so excited when Jessica and Colin invited me to spend an evening with them capturing this special time before little Charlotte arrives!  These two are soo much fun and they have so much fun together!  Colin and Jessica are always laughing!  They are always smiling and always finding the best in whatever they are doing.

They are going to make the best parents ever and Charlotte is going to be an amazing little girl!  She’s going to be one spunky little fire cracker with parents like these two and I just can’t wait to meet her!

The best part about Colin and Jess together is that they are always up for anything… as long as they are together!  Colin is always looking at Jess and you can see in the little things he does without even thinking that he loves to take care of her.  He was happy to sit and watch her strike a pose and also happy to nuzzle her and cuddle with her (laughing all the time!)

Jess was stunning and she is even more breath taking when Colin’s making her laugh.  I adore her huge smile because you can’t help but smile yourself when you see it!  She smiles from deep within and it just radiates through out!

Here are my favorites from our sunset session together!  Jess is loving ice cream right now so we brought a little treat to open up our time together!  Colin had to double waffle bowl because our ice cream decided to melt and turn into a little soup, but it was still pretty delicious I think!

Jess you are so gorgeous girl!


I had Jess and Colin lay down on their blanket so I could get a few of these shots!  What we didn’t anticipate was that Charlotte would LOVE this position so much she would start doing her own little gymnastics routine in Jess’s belly!  We all had to pause and take a moment as we saw some pretty cool acrobatics going on!

Jessica and Colin:  You guys are amazing!  I can’t wait to meet baby Charlotte and see you both in this new adventure!  I am so honored and so blessed that you are allowing me to be a part of this wonderful adventure!  I can’t wait to see all the wonders this next year brings for your family!


When I started blogging, I started writing a birthday letter to my hubs on his birthday!  These have changed over the years and grown more into a “why I love you so much” kind of post!  It sounds sappy and please feel free to roll your eyes at me and silently gag at my corniness… but I promise you this list is not the typical Let me count the ways….

Tuck and I are very different when it comes to our lovey dovey selves!  We do have that side (kind of) but most of those who love us and are close with us, know we are more goofy and weirdly in love than ooey gooey in love!  It suits us much better 😉

This year has been no exception, even though most of it we’ve done with distance and navigating some pretty crazy waters!  I wouldn’t have it any other way though because it just makes us even more goofy and weirdly and awkwardly in love!

So… here’s to my wonderfully hubs who loves me and my weird/awkward Harry Potter loving self!

34 on your 34th!

  1. Thank you for always changing the dirty diapers… when you’re home, and never complaining about it!  Especially the time when you had to squeeze that one for testing!  Yep, I went there and on the first opening line!
  2. Thank you for always letting me slack off on dinners and either picking up and creating some amazing meal out of absolutely nothing because I let the chicken go bad in the fridge… or for giving in to my craving for sushi (
  3. I love you for the way you laugh at me when I take my migraine medicine and say I the dumbest things and instead of making me feel made fun of you help me laugh at myself!
  4. Even though you won’t admit it, I love you for every once in a while saying equally dumb things that make us both think you might have accidentally taken my migraine meds!
  5. Thank you for always running out to the grocery store for cokes or toilet paper or whatever else I forget!
  6. Thank you for the morning e mails that say just the right thing to help start my day!
  7. I love you so much when you read books to Linc in your rocker voice that sounds like Aerosmith and also like a weird rapper at the same time!
  8. I love you for loving God and being the spiritual leader of our family!
  9. I love you for the times when you stay up late to make sure I come home OK from a session (and you make sure I’ve had something to eat and I’ve taken care of myself).
  10. Thank you for putting your family first!
  11. I love you even though sometimes you scare the crap out of me when you walk into the bedroom and I’m drying my hair… and then we laugh about how jumpy I am (and you make fun of me all day!)
  12. Thank you for always putting up with the camera in front of your face!  I love you for humoring me and encouraging me and sitting still for me even though there are times you probably wish both my camera and I would accidentally fall into the pool!
  13. Thank you for sitting on the couch with me at night and loving the same ridiculous and weird shows that I love.  Even if we only  make one episode, I love that we can lay down on our sofa and be together in a world of weird other than our own!
  14. Thank you for sharing my love of reading with our son and reading all the chapter books I plan for us to read to him once he’s a bit older!
  15. I love that you know me better than I know myself and can e mail me to ask if I have a migraine (before you come home) can pick up a movie or a recommend a book (before I hear about it myself and I always wind up in love with it) can tell what my day is like by the tone of my voice!
  16. I love that we can share a look across the room and either burst into laughter or instantly feel butterflies!
  17. I love that we can fill up a hours and talk endlessly about nothing at all or sit in complete silence and still be together!
  18. Thank you for always stepping in and being anything our family needs at anytime!
  19. I love you even though you like tripe which is still gross to me!
  20. I love you especially because you still love me and you hear me sing every night!  That’s real love right there!
  21. Thank you for teaching our son how to be brave and honorable and respectful!
  22. I love that you can go out and run 30 some miles without training and then come home and still function the next day!
  23. I love that you aren’t ever afraid to admit when you are afraid but it never stops you from doing anything!
  24. I love you for always letting me put my cold feet on your legs to help me warm mine up at night!  Cold feet warm heart right?!
  25. I love when you dance/try to twerk in the living room after Linc has gone to bed!
  26. I love you for always understanding that when I say left, I really mean go right and vice versa!
  27. Thank you for being so smart in geography and history so that our son won’t have to rely on my lack of knowledge on that front.  And math too…. thank goodness for that!
  28. I love that you LOVE sweets and they never last in the house long at all!
  29. Thank you for always leaving me the last coke and the last roll.  But never ever the last bite of ice cream! 😉
  30. Thank you for choosing me to be your partner for the rest of our lives!
  31. I love that we are growing old together and sharing these adventures.  By growing old I mean my back goes out daily and you’re a walking mess too!  😉  At least we can be in a jazzy together, maybe even chase each other around in our motorized wheel chairs by the time Linc’s in high school!
  32. I love you even more now that we had to spend most of this year apart!  I realized how much of you enhances my every day!
  33. I love that I am still learning more and more about you with every day that passes by!
  34. Thank you for the next years to come!!

Here’s to this next year my love!!  Here’s to more laughter, more dancing, more making fun with each and more weird shows!

Love you so much


  • August 5, 2014 - 7:09 pm

    Ashley Swistak - I can relate to #22. What in the world?! Our guys are superheroes … or at the very least super runners. I think their paths should cross some time soon! Happy Birthday Aaron.ReplyCancel

    • August 6, 2014 - 12:50 pm - I know! They are so crazy, although you can also run some crazy distances too my friend!ReplyCancel