The Lifetime Experience!

I’ve been talking about really big things happening over here for all my clients… and it’s about time I revealed what’s going on!

I’ve been really inspired lately… this past year really… to up the game for children and family photography!  Last year I decided to specialize in it because it was where my heart was and it’s where my passion for photography really lives!

This year though that passion increased ten fold when Tuck was away.  I realized just how incredibly important children and family portrait photography truly is and how this area of photography needed some real love and some real growth!

I realized that with each passing day our stories are changing, second by second!~  I realized that each day WE are changing and our children are growing and moving forward right before our eyes.  We may not see it because we are there every day and so we become so accustomed to those little tiny details.  When we step away though for a day or two, well it just hits us like a mack truck!  Before we know it, the time has flown by and our babies are grown up and have independent stories of their own!

I recognized some things in this part of the industry that I wanted to enhance and I wanted to really change and make special for families!

This is why I created the Lifetime Experience and why I am so incredibly excited about it!

I don’t want to just BE your family photographer… I want to be MORE than that!  I want to create a real relationship with you and your family so that years from now, I can help you remember all those tiny moments that happened in between those big adventurous ones!

I want to be your photographer and help you document your families moments for a lifetime!  There is not a single moment that I don’t want to be a part of or share with you!

When we think about the images we want framed in our house, we want the type of images that are raw and genuine and beautiful!  The BEST way to get those images is to know the person behind the camera and have a real relationship with them!  A relationship that is build on trust and a relationship that is comfortable!  You want your children to feel at ease with them and feel excited to see them!  I want to be that person and I can do this by being a consistent person and friend in your life.  I specialize in only children and family so I have the time and the availability to spend all of it on YOUR family!  Your family has my undivided attention!

I don’t want to just be a photographer that comes and goes.  I don’t want to just be someone who swoops in with the click of a button.  I want to be a part of your life and share those good times and share those memories!  I want to be more than just that photographer that has a million sessions on their plate.  I want to know what your children love and what they are into.  I want to know how they are growing and what activities they love at this moment.  I want meet them on the session and then have the time to not only shoot but also play and have fun!  I want to have the time just like you do.  The time for everyone to just play and feel free and relaxed!  We don’t need to rush these moments any more than they already are!

For more information on the Lifetime Experience check out the website:


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