Yearly Archives: 2016

Monday… something happened!  Something happened that changed my heart and impacted me in a way that many amazing individuals (some that I really look up to and are pretty influential in this industry) haven’t been able to do in all these years of my owning my business!

My camera broke!

I actually can’t even say that because I don’t quite understand what happened.

Let me set this up for you…

Linc was exhausted.  We had just come back from taking him to the doctor’s for his awful cough (which turned out was nothing and he’s as healthy as can be) and he had fallen asleep on the couch.  If you know me and you know Linc, this never happens… like ever!  My kiddo stopped napping at one!  I love when spontaneously falls asleep.  He looks like an angel!  All little ones look like angels when they sleep and oh my goodness he just looked so peaceful laying there right on top of his little bowl of mutli-colored goldfish!!  So, I did what any mother photographer does, I grabbed my camera and started to capture this moment exactly as it was!  Tuck was bugging me to just leave him be when it happened… my camera went haywire!  The manual mode started to revolt against me:  the ISO was not obeying my commands and the exposure started working backwards!  All that was up was down and all that was light became dark!  The best way to explain this to you is to have you imagine a clock and the hands of the clock going every which way!

Thank goodness Linc was napping because Tuck and I started to do all we could do.  We took the battery out and popped it back in, we updated the firmware, we googled, we made calls… we tried it all!  I still don’t know what happened and to this day, right now, it’s still acting crazy!

Monday afternoon was awful.  I was in tears.  You see… this is the problem:  I don’t have a back up camera!  I have back back up lenses, but not a back up camera.  I also have scheduled sessions not only this week, but this weekend and the following!  I’m also starting my business from scratch in a brand new town in a brand new state.

So.. Monday afternoon with all these thoughts and realizations in my head, I went upstairs and I cried!  I cried hard!

You see and this is where I’m going to lay it all down for you for the first time ever because I want you to understand in hopes that if you are like me maybe you won’t have to take all the years that I have to really get it!

Up until now this “business” of mine hasn’t truly been a business, at least not a successful one and that’s been because of me!  I have been a success in terms of accomplishing what I have wanted to be:  a lifetime photographer!  But on the business side, a productive business.. wahn wahn.

I have always held myself back because I’ve had a hard time running a successful business and by that I mean sticking to business plan, charging people for services and making sure all the t’s are crossed!  There is something about it that for some reason I just couldn’t bring myself to follow through and honestly I think it’s been the charging for services part.  I love people and it has nothing to do with my worth or self confidence.  I know what I’m worth and I understand that my photography images and my skills are worth charging for!  I just truly have believed so much in family photography and the legacy behind them that if I could, I would give everyone a family session!  I think a lot of it comes down to my story and my why!

I think I’m soo rooted into how photography helped me see the world and this philosophy of real is better than perfect that I feel so much for mother’s and families!  You can read more about my story here and part two here and I promise you will understand where I am coming from!

There have been times when I have been “woken up”to reality and then I’ve gotten a kick in the pants and I’ve been great about my business!  In fact it’s lasted a while for me and those days are great!  One of those times was at the Creative at Heart conference when Mary Marantz mentioned “Who are you sacrificing for?!”  I will never forget that quote.  I immediately thought of my family and that really did wake me up!

I am sacrificing for my family.  They are the reason why I pick up my camera and why I find so much joy in shooting for other families. They are the reason I am good at shooting other families!  It’s because I’m a mom that I can search out those moments between parents and child and capture them with love and magic!

BUT… it wasn’t until Monday that those words that Mary spoke hit me hard!  The sacrifice piece.  Up until Monday, I hadn’t really been sacrificing.  Time, of course but (and this is hard for me to admit) sometimes it was nice for me to take a little break away from Linc.  As a stay at home mom, that little bit of time at a session to spend with another family always brought me home with more joy in my heart and more patience for my own family.  It brought me a sense of appreciation for my own family and our own style!

But Monday… I learned a hard lesson.

Tuck came upstairs to find me laying on my granny heating pad.  We had a seriously long chat about our family and my business and how our family has been funding my “business” for a very long time now.  At that moment, I needed to decide to become a real and legit business woman and move forward; or whether this was just going to be something that I did on the side kind of sort of like I had been doing.  Honestly that was the reality of the situation.  At that moment that was when I realized that Mary’s word never rang more true in my heart.  Who are you sacrificing for?  

I hadn’t been sacrificing for anyone!

My family had been sacrificing for me, and this was going to be the last time.  Together (while Linc was still napping… Hallelujah) we made one last purchase.. a big one!

I made up my mind at that moment, after we hit that purchase button, that my family would no longer sacrifice one more penny for my “business” again.

I spent the rest of the night surrounded by notebooks running numbers.  This is something that is kind of comical because I’m horrid at math!  I ran the numbers well into midnight and I came up with a well organized plan!

I wanted to share this story with you today in hopes that if you are like me, and I know there are those of you out there, you will take a moment and consider this!

Ask yourself this question: Not just who are you sacrificing for but who is sacrificing for you and for how long will you let them! 

What is it that you want for your business?!  Do you want it to cover just your expenses?  Do you want it to contribute to your house and family?  Do you want to use it for vacation money?  Do you need it to cover a certain amount?

Do you know your business?!  Do you understand what your costs are?  Do you know where your money is going?  Do you understand the ins and outs of it?!

I ask these questions because guess what… I didn’t!!!  Not until Monday night and although I’m embarrassed to admit that… I know it now and I can tell you surprisingly I was doing an OK job!  Ok isn’t great though and now I’m going to be managing things and working towards GREAT!

I wanted to share this story with you because I know there are some of you out there that are just like me and I want you to know, you aren’t alone!  This is a real struggle and business is hard!  But we can do this together and we can rock it out!

Monday was an awful day…. but in the same respect it was probably one of the best days for my business!  Some times we have to learn the hard way and we need moments like these to really wake us up!


Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker

Ok seriously, isn’t this just the most gorgeous family?!  And those faces that both those boys are making… I die!  I mean I want to just smother them with love and tickles!!!

When I first heard from Julie I was super excited!  She’s a Virginia girl like an actual Virginia girl!  She and her family moved to Florida from Newport News which is so close to Virginia Beach!  You can’t imagine my reaction when I read that!  It was like finding out I had a sister!  Ok maybe not that dramatic but it was so exciting and comforting!  She’s also a boy mom which is also incredible because boy moms are bonded together for life!  I mean… no matter how girlie we once were, we now are kindred spirits over things like “look mom, here hold this cool snake skin that I just found and has bugs crawling all in it!”  “Look mom.. here hold this dead snake I just found” and now am flinging it’s lifeless body over to you!  Boy mom equals (usually) all the creepy crawly, germ infested, gross bugs, snakes, pretty cool though, dirty circle of life things the earth has to offer!

I met Julie, Patrick and their incredibly handsome boys at their new house over in Lakeland on a Monday evening!  It was a gorgeous evening that was perfect for family photos!  We decided that we wanted to capture their family as they are right now which is just the way I like it!  They have the most amazing set up… a play set in the back yard, pool, and a bunch of places to explore and go on adventures!  The boys were extremely welcoming and before I knew it we were having the best conversations!

Here are a few of my favorites from our evening together!

Silly faces before anything else!

Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker

These boys are as thick as thieves and I hope they always stay this way!

Oh my gosh friends… this field!  I had a love affair with this field!  It was amazing… but the fire ants!!!  Those little devils are wicked.  I’ve never experienced them in Virginia but here they are everywhere!  We were able to snap a few shots but oh man we had to get out of there quickly!  It was so sad because all I wanted to do was stay in this stunning little area!  I had so many beautiful ideas in my mind but nope… kicked out by the fire ants!

Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker

We headed back to the house to nurse our wounds and just play for a bit!  This is one of the many reasons I just adore sessions at home.  You have the freedom and flexibility to just relax and know that anything you need is right there.  You can be comfortable!

Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker

Who doesn’t love a great game of red light/ green light?!

Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker Family Photography, Orlando Florida, Brooke Tucker

The one question I get asked all the time and I dread explaining the answer is such a simple question and a statement all at the same time:  Girl… This picture is amazing, what camera do you use?!  I dread it because it’s such a simple answer but with so much feeling behind it!

Every photographer everywhere gets asked this same question and honestly the answer is the same!  The camera body doesn’t matter, it’s how you use the camera itself!

This is the best likeness/explanation I’ve ever heard and I can’t remember who explained it to me this way but they are a genius!  It’s like this…

Imagine you were eating at a restaurant, whether it’s a sweets cafe or the best meal you’ve ever eaten, and you just loved and adored this amazing meal!  For this example, let’s just say it was the BEST piece of chocolate cake you’ve ever had in your life!

You would never say to the baker… “Oh my gosh, this was the best piece of chocolate cake I’ve ever tasted… what type of oven do you use?!”

I mean that just sounds silly right?!  Heck, I don’t even know the different types of ovens there are.

But you would maybe ask for the recipe!  It’s not the oven that made that delicious cake… it was the baker!  It was her skill and how she crafted the recipe and all the love she placed into her baking!  And to your own credit, if you wanted to make your own delicious chocolate cake to share with friends and family, you wouldn’t run out and purchase the same oven (well you might…) but you would also take the time to learn and perfect the recipe!

It’s the exact same (sort of) with photography!  An image doesn’t turn out beautiful or interesting or captivating based on the camera make or model!  An image comes together because of the skill of the photographer behind the camera body and also the love the photographer puts into each and every click of the camera (much like the love a baker or chef puts into the food!)

So whether you just love photography and are getting started, are a photographer who is asked this same question all the time like me or whether you are someone who just loves photography and having their photo taken… keep this in mind!  Everyone has to start somewhere and starting just means finding that love first and foremost… just like a baker or chef!  That love is what ignites to fire to learn and learning is something that never ends… for anyone!  The equipment just fosters the creativity that is inside!

As photographers we will always be learning no matter how great our equipment is!  We are always striving to learn our cameras inside and out.  We are always learning our editing software and our environments.  As soon as we feel we have conquered our equipment, the world of photography changes and we start all over again learning new equipment and the latest trends!  This is what keeps us excited and on our toes!  It’s also what fosters our community and forges friendships with like minded creatives.

I wanted to blog about this today because I think it’s important to not only to educate those that are interested in pursuing photography further that it’s the photographer that works not the camera; but also to remind us professional photographers too!  It’s sometimes easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the equipment world!  But guess what… you don’t need a lot to make it work at first, just yourself!

Many of us started out with a decent camera and a ton of heart!  We had a need to learn all we could and so we researched and read our manuals and got out there and practiced!  We learned by trial and error and befriended a photographer who was maybe more experienced than us who was willing to share their “secrets”.  We stayed up late and read blogs.  We got excited when we learned new tricks and when manual photography finally clicked… man we celebrated!

We need to remember these days so that when others ask us for help or ask us questions we always remain humble and helpful! Because… we all started somewhere and we all started off in the same place!

Photography is very similar to baking… we all need guidance navigating those “recipes”!  🙂  We all need help seeing that it’s not the oven that develops those amazing results… it’s the chef/photographer and the heart and love that it takes to create them!

Each chef/photographer is different and that is what makes us special!  You don’t have to be fancy.  You don’ t have to have a background in it.  Some are self taught, some are professionally trained and some just have a natural love with no desire to be “professional”.  But we all share the same desire and that’s to create a legacy!

Will you help someone else learn the trade?! Brooke-Tucker-Blog-Family-Photographer