Monthly Archives: February 2016


Every now and then it happens!  I take a small break;  and by small break sometimes that means a day or two or it can mean a week or four or five!

This is usually when I know I need refuel a little bit!  I use that time to refocus:  on my family and also what inspires me in photography and drives my heart and calls me to be creative!

It’s no secret that owning your own business is an amazing gift!  It’s also no secret (once you get started) that, if you let it, your business can be a 24/7 around the clock calling!

This is where it is incredibly important from the very start to create a system of balance!

When I started, I had no idea what that meant!  I either worked too hard all the time and missed out on making my own memories and creating a life for myself.  OR the opposite would happen, I would become so burnt out that I would step away from my business and let all that hard work go to waste!

This became especially true when we had our sweet Linc.

I wondered, how can I be a mother (the kind of mother I want to be) and still be the photographer and business owner that I need to be?!

This phrase still runs around through my head time and time again.  I know this phrase runs through every mother’s head every day that she wakes up and goes off to work to provide for her family!

For me, the answer is in finding the right balance for my family!

My friend Amanda says it the best way:  You didn’t become your own boss to be horribly awful and mean to yourself!  So just stop!

That simple phrase was so absolutely freeing for me.  You see that is exactly the truth!

When we go into business for ourselves, we sometimes tend to be meaner, harder, stricter and more relentless than we would if we were to work for someone else!

As a photographer I am incredibly lucky to be able to share these moments with my clients!  I am blessed beyond measure to witness their stories and their capture their lives so that they may re-visit these moments time and time again!

The second I forget that feeling… it’s time for me to step back and re-focus!

So how does taking a break help to re-focus?!

For me personally this break means spending time just being “mom”.  It means taking the time to breath and soak in quality time with my family!

It means filling up my tank by:

  • Clearing my schedule both days and evenings with no plans to allow for spontaneous adventures (I’m type A so this is a huge deal!)
  • Spending the afternoons doing laundry!  (Yes I know this is weird but it really does help me!)
  • Meal planning and preparing dinner for my family each night without feeling rushed or wondering “what did I plan tonight for dinner?”
  • Leaving my camera out and about with the eye-fi card ready so I can shoot just for me!!!
  • 365 project…. for real without worrying and feeling guilty because I missed a night!
  • Beach walks with my boys with our pumpkin bucket so Linc can find his treasures (a.k.a rocks, feathers, twigs, sometimes it’s sandy dog poop… don’g judge!)
  • Reading an actual book cover to cover that is NOT a business book and has nothing to do with the real world

Balance can mean so many things friends!  It can mean travel, it can mean reserving the weekends just for yourself!  Whatever you choose to do make sure it fits YOUR needs and the needs of your family (especially if your a mom).

The most important part is to remember that at the end of the day whatever you are choosing to do should re-ignite your heart for your business~

It’s silly to think that just taking a week “off” to wake up in the morning and drink a cup of coffee while folding the laundry and prepping the dinner for the evening would light a fire under me for photography!  Who would think that while I’m chopping vegetables and dancing with my son that I would come up with an entire plan for a new venture in my business!!

That’s just the point though… when we allow ourselves the time we need to relax and decompress, we actually inspire brand new ideas!

Where do you find your balance?!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography


If you’ve been following along with me, both in the blog and in my journey as a photography, you will more than likely recognize this mama and proud papa!  You will also recognize big brother as I have been blessed enough to capture him from the time he was just a cute little chubby baby crawling around on the sand!

I was absolutely thrilled when I heard the news that Erica was expecting another little one and even more ecstatic to learn that it was a baby girl!  I knew I had to be there to capture this special time for them as they continued to grow their gorgeous, loving and always laughing family!

Fast forward a few months… 9 to be exact… and I couldn’t believe it when Erica and I began talking about the arrival of Miss Addison!  Erica actually ended up going in sooner than expected which was a wonderful blessing because it meant that she was able to have her doctor that she trusts and respects by her side to deliver her second baby!  It was perfect timing because this doctor (whom I also love for her candor and her laughter) was about to leave for vacation!  She assured Erica that she wouldn’t dare leave though without delivering this baby!

I still can’t get over how emotional the process was for everyone!  Erica worked so incredibly hard and she never once gave up!  She laughed through it and I was able to watch my two friends who are always joking with one another really come together in love and grace and support one another in a way that I just can’t describe with words!

I also can’t get over how incredibly awesome it was when big brother was finally able to meet baby sister!  Oh those moments stole my breathe and captured my heart for sure!  He was so in awe of her and so gentle!!!  I know he’s going to be the best big brother!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography


We arrived at the hospital pretty late in the evening so this image below is one of my favorites!  Erica and Chad were constantly staying connected with their son Landon so he knew exactly what was going on!  This was the whole family face timing together!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography

Everyone took a bit of a rest, especially momma and baby! I came back a few hours later just in time for big brother’s first peek at baby sister!

Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography Lifestyle Birth Photography by Brooke Tucker Photography

Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to see all the love grow between your new family of 4!

Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography

When you get a phone call from one of your super fun and loving clients (that you’ve known for like ever)  that says… HEY!!! Big brother is in town just for a few days, can we possibly make time for a session?!!   You absolutely jump on board and squeal with excitement!  (I went to every single school and grade and class possible with big brother!!!)

We met on a misty day at one of my favorite little trail parks and we laughed and played and jumped our way through our session!

Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography

I love this family so much!  They are always finding the fun in everything they do!  They aren’t afraid to look silly or to play and be goofy!  They aren’t afraid to laugh to hard or get dirty!  They know the meaning and importance of family time and that speaks right to my heart!!

Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography

Look at those two beauties ^^^^^

Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography

You know what they say… the family that jumps together…

Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography


It started to get a bit colder (and a bit mistier) as we finished up and walked back to the cars.  Uncle Trey had to head off to the airport!  No session is complete without lots of kisses and of course..


Outdoor lifestyle family session by Brooke Tucker Photography


I also got a few selfies with little miss gorgeous right there before we parted ways!


I’m always blessed to be able to catch up with families as often as I do!  Berkley in particular!  I grew up with her and Trey and one of the greatest gifts that photography has allowed me to do is continue that friendship is the most special and breath taking way possible:  to carry it in on and watch Berkley become one of the best mother’s I have ever known!  To watch her and Isabelle grow together and see Izz grow up and change the way that I am able to through my lens… it’s magical!  It’s a gift that Berkley gives to me each time she calls or emails me and allows me to come back into their lives in this crazy way that I am able to!

Thank you Berkley for always having faith in me and for giving me the gift to come into your family each time that you do!  It’s a blessing that I treasure every moment!