Weekend Re-cap

Happy Monday Friends!  This is going to be a short re-cap but sometimes short is good, sometimes short is even better!

We’ve had family in town this past weekend and so we’ve been doing lots of playing and catching up and jumping.. yep jumping!  We visited the Trampoline park here for the first time and it was wild!  I’m really not sure who had more fun, the kids or the adults.  If you follow me on instagram, you saw that Linc was pretty fearless but also that Tuck enjoyed himself very much!

If you haven’t been yet to our Trampoline park here in VB, you definitely need to go!  A little tip though if you are jumping with littles:  make sure they have their own little space to jump and you don’t jump in the same trampoline as they do!  We experienced an extremely scary moment as Linc stepped on to the same trampoline as one of our friends who was in mid high bounce and Linc turned out to be quite the little acrobat!  I saw my life flash before my eyes!

Some lessons learned this week:

  • We are participating in elf on the shelf this year!  Fargus is pretty great BUT Linc is not a fan of sharing dinosaur toys!  Sometimes creativity doesn’t always win out with toddlers.  In fact, it can lead to the hating of Christmas, Santa, Elves and magic in general for the toddler time span (which can be minutes, seconds, or hours depending on the day!)  Best to just move him around and do minimal fun things… like zip lining!  Zip-lining is a huge win!
  • Fully embrace when you stick your foot in your mouth and be thankful when your old friends from high school are able to laugh with you/at you!  Hey.. sometimes that can be an endearing quality right?!
  • Also… when your little one is very upset that your elf is riding your favorite dino and you NEED to call your daddy to talk it out;  make sure you actually ARE in fact calling your husband at 6 am instead of  one of your closet friends who might not even be awake!  Sorry CLAIRE!  (be grateful for friends that answer their phones at 6 am b/c they know you are with your husband travels!!!)  Love you friend!
  • Coffee does NOT taste good black… sorry friends I can’t do it!
  • Have ya’ll ever been to Zoe’s?!  It’s AMAZING and their protein plate is my new JAM!  I’ve been driving OUT OF MY WAY lately to get it whenever I have the chance!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend and I would love to hear what you did and what YOU learned!!!

I will working away like a busy bee today and also… shh dropping off some lovely little packages in the mail today!  HOORAY!!

Here’s a little sneak preview of what’s to come this week like this amazing and tear jerker of a homecoming!  I am so happy these guys have their daddy home!

Knighthawk Homecoming, Pilot homecoming by Brooke tucker photography


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