Strawberry Fields Forever Please!!!

Last week was Linc’s first trip to the Strawberry patch and I have to say it was amazing!  This kid could eat his weight and my weight combined in strawberries (or any fruit for that matter) and his eyes when he realized where we were… priceless!

We decided to go with a friend of ours from our little Beasts class!  So we met up at our little gym class that morning and the two of them ran around like the crazies they are (and let me just tell you little C is not only beautiful but she gives ALL the boys a run for their money when it comes to gymnastics skills!)  After our hour long class when the kiddos are usually wiped out, we headed down to the strawberry field and these two picked to their hearts content!

It is so incredible to do things with your child that you did as a kid!  To see them experience it fresh… it makes you really appreciate your own life:  your own childhood, your own experiences!  It makes you totally stop for however long you are there and just experience their moments all shiny and brand new!  You get a do over… you get to experience life all over again and see it through the eyes of someone you only ever dreamed of!

My mom and I used to go strawberry picking… all the time!!!  It was a magical experience for me!  She would even take me out of school or let me skip school for those strawberry picking days.  She would come into my room in the morning and wake me up and whisper in my ear that today was a good day for strawberries and not for school!  It was a special special treat that I will cherish forever!  It’s something I will do with Linc… it’s something I hope the three of us will do with Linc!

There’s a story my mom tells and has been telling me since I can remember about how I would always eat the berries!  I had to sample each one and when we got home she realized there was huge bites taken out of ALL of the berries.  I just thought that was the funniest thing.  Well.. wouldn’t you know it, history likes to repeat itself.

When we stepped into the field and Linc realized what exactly we were doing he screamed “BAWBERRIES, EAT EAT EAT EAT!”  He clapped his little hands screamed YAY and HOORAY and then proceeded to eat the berries to his hearts delight.  I swear they should weight the babies before they step foot into the field!  When we got home that night and I set out to make a strawberry pie, I quickly realized it might not happen because 90% of our berries had gigantic bite marks… I wonder which of the two little cuties sampled the most?!


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