
Yesterday I worked non stop from 4 am until 2 pm!

Yesterday I e mailed, I blogged, I set up sessions and made contacts.  I taught a body flow class and rushed home to eat a lunch I can’t even remember!  I picked up Linc from school, put him down for a nap and then worked some more instead of resting.

Yesterday at 2 pm when Linc woke up I decided work was done and we needed a treat!  I scooped him out of his crib, changed him and immediately set him in the car.  I bought the biggest iced white mocha they had to offer and I bought Linc his very first starbucks treat (it was like a gorgeous beautiful vanilla milkshake and I can’t even remember what is was called because the lady in front of me told me to try it because her 2 year is addicted to them!)

The two of us went to play in the sand and sip our drinks and eat cookies until we could stand the wind no longer!


It was a brief two hours of one on one joy… no cell phone, no work, no tears or tantrums (until we had to leave).  It was just me and my little man jumping off dunes and building awfully sad sand castles.

Work/life balance is hard.  It’s especially hard right now with just me taking care of all the responsibilities.  It can be lonely and exhausting but there are moments like we had yesterday where you just stop… stop everything and find your breath and balance once more!

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