Monthly Archives: March 2014

Last night I was thinking… I started so long again and I’ve hit the pause button so many times on my business.  I needed a pep talk… so I sat down and wrote myself a letter.  I hesitated to share this but I wondered if others feel the same as I do.  It’s easy to hit the pause button, or feel discouraged (especially with the weather we’ve been having).  Sometimes we all need a quick pick me up.  So I decided to share my letter to myself and maybe someone else might need to hear these words too….

Dear Brooke,

Remember that this is your dream… always!  Always keep that in mind through every minute of every day.  You chose this, or maybe this chose you.  Whichever the case may be, it’s yours and you have chosen to go after it.  It’s a brave choice and it’s the right choice!

Remember this always for it needs to be at the backbone of every thought and at the very heart of every situation.  It sounds silly and it sounds like a line when it’s tossed around but nothing worth anything comes without work.  It’s not a line and it is very true.  This is going to be work… hard work!   There are going to be times when you will be discouraged.  There will be times when you want to give up:  days, weeks, even months at a time.  There will be moments where you will question if you are meant to do this.  Remember anything worth having requires persistence and a single focus determination!

You will need to have patience!  Nothing worth having comes easy and nothing worth having is quick!  Staying power takes time to grow and mature.  This is an art.  It’s a passion.  It’s  YOUR passion.  Remember why you picked up your camera in the first place.  You wanted to learn and develop.  This is a life long process, not a quick success.  Your skills and your personality in this field will grow and develop from moment to moment, from one stage of life to the next.  THIS is what is exciting and lovely! Your business should do just the same.  Allow the time for this happen.  Be patient.  Be graceful and kind to yourself.

Take leaps of faith!  Sometimes in order to succeed, we must blindly trust or at least have the guts to say “I have faith in myself”.  If we don’t have confidence in ourself who else will?  Take the leaps.  What’s the worst that can happen?  At least you can say I tried!  Nothing is worse than wondering could I have done it… could I have made that work?!  Regret is worse than failure!

Be a force of positivity!  Be a storm front of grace and kindness to those around you, and also to yourself!  Share your knowledge and share your joy for this world that you see behind your lens!  Connect with people and open up!  Remember that we are all brand new to some part of this photography journey whether we are just picking up the camera or we have been shooting professionally for years and years!

Remember to be silly!  Laugh often as you do with your clients!  Life is not serious and our moments and stories are not always serious.  Remember this on the days that you find yourself discouraged or in a lull!  Silliness often brings about creativity and there are always opportunities to pick up the camera and document life!

Be professional and know your worth!  Push yourself and have policies intact that help you navigate your own weaknesses and insecurities.  Keep learning and evolving!

Find positive people who can lift you up and be that person who can life them up in return!

And Most importantly… remember to have fun.  That’s what this was about in the first place!

The camera was and always will be your space.  It is where you can share your vision of the world.  It’s uninterrupted and beautiful!

Remember all this…  and feed your passion!



Since January… my life has changed!

It’s hard with a hubs who wants to stay up to date on the adventures of little man and all his shenanigans with sharp and crisp photos!  NICE photos!  I love my iphone but it’s not that amazing.. I’m not that amazing with the i phone camera!

Obviously I love photography… I love my canon and I love my amazing lenses!  I love being able to capture our real life moments at the exact time they are happening and share these beautiful stories.  What I do not love is all the time is takes to shoot, download, process, edit and save and then finally post or share those pictures!  With limited time and a crazy toddler to keep up with I just wasn’t making my nice canon camera a priority!  I wasn’t taking time to practice or hone my skills and it was collecting dust on my shelf.  It was awfully sad.  All in the name of convenience, I would just use my iphone and I was missing the crispness and control my professional camera would give me.

Enter… the Eye-Fi Card!  It has completely rocked my world!

Here’s how it works:  I take photos with my REAL camera!  My professional camera, which I now leave out on the counter, bring with me in my purse, take to the park!  I then pick up my iphone  and the images that I just took with my professional camera have been wirelessly transmitted onto my iphone’s camera roll!  MIND BLOWN!  They are then ready for me to do a quick edit on my favorite app or to share instantly!  BOOM!!!

I can not begin to tell you how this has changed my life and how this will change my business!  There is a reason I put this under the coffee break chats!

  • I am now an “instagram cheater” but it does allow me to take a beautiful picture and post to instagram immediately to showcase my manual skills without any delay!
  • SNEAK PEEKS my friends!  This card also acts like any other card.  I purchased the 16 GB so I can take it on a session with me.  I can upload an image from my session right on the spot to my phone and publish a sneak peek THAT SECOND for instagram
  • WEDDINGS!!! The potential for weddings and this is incredible.. sneak peeks, slideshows, sending images from cell phone to cell phone to bride and groom?!  I once had a bride that wanted to text her groom an image of her garter but it was hard with the iphone! With this?! DONE!

The list could go on and on!  For us right now as a family it has done amazing things!  I am able to take photos of Linc and all his crazy funny shenanigans and send them to daddy two seconds later.  It’s priceless and absolutely worth every penny!

Here are a few of the images I’ve taken with my Eye-Fi so far:

Talk about real life story telling and documenting YOUR families life’s minute to minute!  This has been the best gift I have given myself and my family!



  • March 14, 2014 - 2:19 pm

    Jennifer Norrick - Ummmm….That is absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!! Could you please tell me where I can purchase one of those…lol! Thanks,

    • March 14, 2014 - 4:12 pm - Hi Jennifer! It IS Amazing and totally worth the investment! I purchased mine from Amazon! You can also order from photojojo I believe as well. I have the 16 GB but you can order 8 GB and other sizes too! I have the pro X2 and I recommend that over the mobi!ReplyCancel

  • March 29, 2014 - 3:31 am

    Katie P - Been wanting one of these forev!!! Totally have to do it! Love that you love it!ReplyCancel

  • May 20, 2014 - 2:03 am

    Take Better Pictures Of Your Kids: round 2 » - […] shooting a session the only card in my camera is the Eye-fi card.  I did a full post on this card right here !  It’s amazing because I can take pictures with my mark iii and then it will immediately […]ReplyCancel

Blogging calendars:  they are GREAT except when life gets in the way!  I promised and had planned a bunch of posts this week but Linc has been experiencing these weird series of extremely high fevers that come in a pattern and have no rhyme or reason to them.  They come in a flash and disappear in one!  They are scary and miserable and they throw us both off of our game.  Blogging calendar out the window.

BUT out of this mess has come a really hysterical bonus and has inspired me to start an entirely new series!

Despite feeling super sluggish and yucky… Linc still wants to play and he is in the most FUNNY stage!  Have you ever seen that hash tag on instagram called kids were here?!  If you haven’t and you  need a pick me up.. spend some time.  You’ll pee your pants.

Linc has been really into pretend play lately which is AWESOME!  And so I’ve been finding little wonderful treasures around our house that lets me know where he’s been.  So in honor of this wonderful stage of our life… we now have Linc and Wink Shenanigans:

Let’s demonstrate what I’m talking about… I put him down for nap the other day to find…

Watch you “booty”.

And then there’s this…

Future Game of Thrones director?!

Things like this crack me up! I have knights peeking out of my ugg boots… spider man gets left in the mixing bowls, fake food is always in the fridge!  This is the best kind of real life story telling!

Stay tuned for the weekly posts of Linc and Wink’s Shenanigans every Wednesdays!