Meredith & Stella

My girlfriend Meredith is one of the strongest women I know!  She has an amazing heart, beautiful soul and she is made of iron will!

She completely amazes me and I’m so thankful to call her a friend!  The other day, she and adorable little Stella came over for a play date and a quick little valentines day photo session.  Valentines is Meredith’s favorite holiday and she has so much to celebrate right now… a beautiful beginning to her life, an incredibly sweet and stunning baby girl and a wonderful freedom!

We wanted to just capture a few moments of this time for her!  A few moments on her favorite holiday with her favorite girl so that she can remember this pivotal point in their story!

My philosophy as a photographer has always been that  our moments tell our story!  The moments help us to remember our journey, they tell the world how far we’ve come and how exciting it is to be heading in the direction we are going!  Photography is away to keep these tender moments, these adventurous moments, these exciting and wonderfully scary/beautiful moments close to heart forever!  They allow us to share ourselves with the people we treasure!

I hope, my dear Meredith.. that I was able to capture just that for you!  I hope, in our small photo session, that you are able to see the beautiful story you are creating for yourself and for your family!  I hope that you see how amazing of a mother you are, how incredibly strong you are, and how breathtaking beautiful you are!

You are just starting on this adventure… an adventure that I know will bring you so many exciting things!

You are incredible!  Don’t ever forget it!

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