Back in the saddle again…

I feel like I should have gone out to the farm that’s 2 miles down the road and taken a picture of horse and saddle for this blog post opener!

Maybe not a horse and saddle because that would be waay to obvious… maybe something more artsy!

Needless to say it’s been a while gang!

Linc and I have been adjusting to our new schedule and while I would love to blame it all on the craziness we’ve had;  the truth is this absence has been much more about a lack of inspiration and motivation.

I consider this space to be my creative outlet!  It’s my place where I can write and express how I see the world.  It’s my place where I can share the lives and stories of the incredible and amazing people that trust me to capture them and their lives.

Lately though… Linc and I have been huddled in our house, tucked away (haha that’s funny to me!) in our own little world!  Bedtimes have been coming sooner than later and my personal time to shoot, write and create have been few and far in between!

My last post I wrote about wanting to give away a mommy and me session, and I can honestly say that these sessions are now extremely near and dear to my heart, more than ever now!

Since I was such a crazy slacker, I decided to not randomly select from the entries that I had.  I received such beautiful and heartfelt e mails describing these amazing moms and just fantastic women, that I feel like the only way to do this right would be to give a session away to ALL my entries!

So be checking your e mails friends!!!  I will e mail you details and we can start chatting about your sessions!

In the meantime, I’m going to get myself back into the groove of things!  Little man and I have been keeping to ourselves for far too long and I need to step it up and get out a bit!

If you follow me on FB you’ve seen that Linc and I have done a few sessions ourselves but here is what our home body life has looked like!  (Giving you a fair heads up that it’s all Linc spam after this today!)


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