Yearly Archives: 2013

Last week was just one of those weeks you know!  Do you ever have  those weeks where anything and everything that could go wrong does go wrong!  And it doesn’t just go wrong, it goes epically wrong!

We had one of those epically wrong weeks last week where I just kept thinking, please can I go back to bed and get a do over!

But the greatest things about having those kind of weeks (or days even) is that when everything settles and clears, you learn just how much you do have to be grateful for!  You see how much of your just plain old everyday you really should appreciate.

I’m a brand new mom and I think I will keep that title of brand spanking new, “newbie still trying to figure it out” new mom until Linc’s probably waay into his teen years.  Heck probably until I’ve sent him packing off to college or even later! I say this because I still haven’t grasped the concept of letting go.  I never realized that I love to live by a schedule and have a plan for my day and if something changes… I kind of freak out a bit.  Having a baby changes all that.  You just simply can not have a stead fast schedule!  You have to be willing to be flexible and bend and go with the flow.  You have to be willing to change from plan A to plan B and even to plan Z if the need arises.  I’m still learning to switch my plan A to plan B… and not grit my teeth!

I’m learning, I’m still a work in progress!

Last week taught me more than anything about appreciating the process!  As much as I am Lincoln’s teacher and guide and protector… he is mine!  Last week taught me to appreciate all the little things I get to learn from him.  He teaches me about being in the moment and loving whatever the moment might be just for it is.  He guides me in learning to let go bit by bit… to let go, let loose and just breathe!  He protects my heart and my soul by helping me see the fun in life and living again through his curious and adventurous eyes!  Last week helped me remember all that.

Last week also taught me to appreciate all the little moments I have with him… big, small, tough and wonderful!  It taught me that the tough moments are some of the moments that looking back I will probably love and be thankful for the most.

So when the end of the weekend came (or the beginning of the new week began however you see it) and Sunday rolled around… that blustery, FRIGID cold Sunday… I took a moment to reflect on our crazy, awful, no good week!  I reflected, and then I wrote myself a note that I posted on the side of my bed.  It’s just a small note reminding me to be grateful for all the little things I’m learning as a new mother.  To appreciate all the moments that are given to the two of us as mother and son and as a family of three.  That with each week:  beautiful or challenging, there are still seconds of grace and wonder and magic.

I taped that note right where I could feel it when I roll out of bed in the morning and right where I would notice it as I put my book to rest as I go to sleep at night.

I taped that note Sunday afternoon, and then I joined my family outside in the frigid cold weather for a game of ball and a few pictures!

I’m so thankful for each day with this little boy!  He’s getting to be so big and so playful.  He is ALL boy and he is a wonderful, crazy handful.  He’s the best mix of Tuck and I; and there are days that I still can’t believe he’s ours to keep!


Little Mia came over on a Sunday morning and completely stole my heart!

I’m a HUGE fan of cake smash sessions; they happen to be one of my favorites!  But as much as I love cake smashes, sometimes the adorable little models just aren’t as excited as I am once we get started.  If you really think about it, the whole thing has to be a little weird for them.  We tell them all the time not to smash things, or throw things and then here we are letting them play with their food and encouraging the smashing and throwing and eating!  Plus we let them do it on the floor and not in the typical food acceptable places!

Mia though, she was ALL about the cake smash!  Not only is she absolutely gorgeous (I mean come on, those eyes!!!) but she was completely IN to this session!

We set up a completely girlie shoot with a barbie pink background! I even brought out Linc’s little chevron rocker so we could get a few of little Mia while she was so fresh and clean in her pink little tutu with multi-colored pom poms!

The BEST part about Mia Moo’s cake smash was that her interest never lost it’s hold!  At first she loved exploring the cake and clapping it around the paper and smearing it around her hands!  She loved to dig at the frosting with her spoon and picking off each of the colorful sprinkles.  The BEST part though was when she realized she could actually eat the cake!  Her facial expressions were priceless as she gobbled up bites of the delicious blue inside and the sweet sugary frosting!

Mia, you were a gorgeous little model with so many different expressions!  Your mommy and I had a BLAST watching you explore and dance all around that morning!  Thank you for all the giggles you gave us and I can’t wait to see you grow this next year!

Here are a few of my favorite from our session together!  Mia kept running back and forth from the backdrop to her momma for cake covered kisses and frosting hugs!  But she didn’t stay too long in her momma’s arms while the cake awaited her smashing!

  • November 25, 2013 - 1:12 pm

    Victoria Koenig - Ahhhh! As I said, I’m obsessed!!!! Thank you for being so incredible – we are going to cherish these pictures forever!ReplyCancel

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

This weekend was a busy weekend with sessions!  Two very different type of sessions but Sunday was a beautiful, pink and funny cake smash!

Here’s a little preview for you…

The best part about this little smash session was that there was cake EVERY WHERE!  This little miss loved her cake smash so much she smashed and played until her cake was demolished!  While I was cleaning later, I kept finding bist of cake in the strangest places and it just made me want to sing “To the windows… To the wall!”  Because that’s where I was finding all these little bits of sprinkles and dots and frosting!

Check back with me later in the week to see this gorgeous girl’s full cake smash!