Inspiration: Branding Process-Friday Series

My desk is an organized mess.. with it’s notebooks and graph journals and calendars!  

It’s slowly extending it’s way to our bedroom upstairs because I’m finding that bedtime is where the best ideas and inspiration often decide to float their way into my mind!

I often can’t seem to find my glasses… which are usually on my own head.  This is what happens when your working on a toddler’s schedule in between nap breaks and down time.

I’m finding though that as I’ve been working on my “homework” (pinterest) I’m also drawing inspiration from other areas in my life.

My pins have been leading me in other areas and avenues:  crazy areas and avenues!  I swear Tyler is going to take one look at this giant mess and want to scream and run in the opposite direction!

But lately these are some of the things that are really inspiring to me:  Things that are finding their way into my branding process:

  • Bob Goff’s Love Does  (Amazing book and if you haven’t read it yet I strongly encourage you to go get a copy now! It will change your life!)  I keep reading and re-reading.  
  • The cube from Mr. Magorium’s Wonder Emporium (no joke my friend’s… I saw a block on pinterest of all things and now I can’t stop seeing them every where)  I’m losing it for sure!
  • The introduction of cozy fabrics and sweaters back into my closet!  I love fall but I’m not quite ready to let winter in.
  • Barn doors:  We are putting some in hopefully this weekend to separate the office space from the rest of the house. (Little fingers and hands are just the height for chaos)  They are giving me all sorts of ideas for not only the office, the business but also the rest of the house!
  • Recent sessions and upcoming sessions!  My work is growing and my shooting is continuously growing.  I think as photographers we are always learning and growing our skills.  This has been a big year for me and so with each session I find that there are little bits that inspire me to learn a little more and that help me develop a specific style!

Each evening as I sit down with all my clutter I feel a little bit like a crazed puzzle.  I hope this wasn’t as cluttered and chaotic as my desk is at the moment;  and I hope you are finding this helpful if you are thinking of stepping into the branding process yourself.  You too might feel a little nutty at times but I think that’s normal.  Right?

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