Yearly Archives: 2015

Sandpools in Back Bay, False Cape

Hello Monday and Hello to all my friends!!!

We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Virginia Beach and I have to say I am loving it!  THIS is my weather! This 70 degree and warm where you can wear jeans and get by with only a light sweater or jacket.

I am not a fan of the winter and a “white christmas” it just doesn’t appeal to me.  I know some people will curse me and think I’m blasphemous, but but I just can’t!  The warm weather feeds my soul and it really does warm my heart!

This weekend we played outside ALL DAY!  The sun just called us outside and begged for us to ride bikes and run barefoot through the muddy grass and just be get as dirty as we could be (grass stains and mud stains and all!)

This was the first weekend that I have had “off” in a long time!  I didn’t have any sessions and I actually took a break from the computer and editing even though I’m a bit swamped with that right now.  I just needed to play and take some time for me!  I read a book last year called The Best YES and it really opened my eyes to how little time we all take to fill our own cups up!  We spend a lot of time filling others and being there for others but we don’t really do a lot to replenish ourselves these days!

We have to take care of ourselves so we can take care of those we love!  It’s just the truth!

So I spent this weekend focusing on myself and my family and this beautiful weather we were graced with!

Some things we learned this weekend:

  • Linc LOVES to cook and bake and as he is getting older he is becoming quite the little chef!  We baked sugar cookies on Friday together (because he was crazy and I needed an outlet before strangling him).  They actually turned out really well and quite delicious which if you know me AT ALL, you know I can’t bake!  I can even really mess up the cut and bake cookies so sugar cookies from scratch turning out edible was HUGE!  HUGE!!!!  I was super proud and took pictures for everyone to see!!!
  • Fargus has a door now so he can either fly to the North Pole or just travel to and from by door! This door also allows him to travel back and forth to Gigi’s house!  Linc LOVES this little door and it’s adorable!  You can check it on instagram if you follow us and I was super proud of my elf game Friday night!
  • Fried Oreos ARE AMAZING ya’ll!  Tuck and I actually had a date night (like a real date night) and that in itself is kind of amazing!  We had dinner and then went to a movie!  We even stayed out until 10 pm… and I didn’t fall asleep!!!  We ordered fried oreos for dessert and I am NOT a dessert girl.  I prefer salty foods but HOLY MOLY guys… these little devils are THE BOMB DOT COM!  If you ever see them on a menu, order them right away!
  • Do all three year olds like to be naked or is just my kid?!  I feel like I’m constantly repeating myself that we are NOT living in a nudist colony!!!!
  • AND I’m super proud of myself because I JUST mastered the fine art of flat iron curls!  I know this is probably so simple for all you girls out there but this is HUGE for me!  I stink at all things girlie like hair and make up and now that my hair is super short (hooray for that ya’ll I feel like myself again!) being able to curl it with the flat iron for a little bend and wave… it’s AMAZING!  I danced around my bathroom like a maniac!!!  I think I might throw myself a little party!!

Here’s a little sneak peek of what’s coming this week!  😉 A gorgeous and heart warming Motherhood Journal that I just can’t wait to share with you!

Beautiful motherhood photography by brooke tucker photography

Happy Friday friends and mommas!

This morning we are having a for REAL, live out loud and live proud mom with toddler morning over here!  I had planned to write video blog yesterday, but in all honestly… I was exhausted and I hadn’t showered so of course I didn’t want to get in front of the laptop camera!

I was going to take the laptop upstairs and write an epic blog in bed last night about our Disney trip and the whole entire reason why our little family of three went to Disney in the first place (and also where we decided to splurge) but Linc curled up in bed with me last night and my heart just melted and so did my eyes right into my eyelids!  😉

So here I am this morning just giving myself a break to breathe in a nice deep breath and exhale because Linc woke up with some kind of reappearing and disappearing toddler sickness, my morning coffee isn’t quite giving me the caffeine kick I need, I burnt the muffins (which are easier than easy bake) and I’m rapidly losing my patience over here!  Plus… I look like a cat that stuck it’s tail in the electrical outlet!

BUT THAT’S REAL LIFE!!!  THIS IS MY LIFE!!  And in all honesty, I do love it and it makes me giggle!

I mean come on ya’ll… I can’t even bake the rip open the package, stir and bake muffins!  It’s all so sad right?!

I do throw a mean dance party though and I bake awesome play dough cookies and I dig a mean dirt and mud hole!

We ALL have these days and it’s my true belief that it’s the world telling us that we just need to embrace life and maybe stop what we are doing and embrace life as it is!  These days force us to slow it down for just a second and really take a look at who we are and where are lives are and just appreciate it and take stock of what we have!

I may have crazy hair and I may have a serious addiction to morning coffee!  I might need to work on my patience a bit but I have some seriously precious moments with my little one right now!

You know life is soo soo good when you can turn on the Happy song (as Linc calls it) and a impromptu dance party can totally change your day around!!!

What does your craziness look like?!  Post a picture on instagram and tag me in it!!!

embrace your life mombies rise

Hi GUYS!!!!

I posted this on instagram the other day and I received some great responses from friends, fellow mama’s and photographers too!

I’m asking because I really and truly want to know!  As I start diving more into video blogging and tutorials and the like… I want to make sure I am answering the questions that YOU might have!

These can be anything and everything from how to shoot in manual or how to take more natural and candid photos of your children!

You can ask questions about shooting for mother’s or how in the heck I balance time with family and photography (because believe it or not this is something that I feel I am FINALLY getting the hang of!)

What are some things that you’ve always wanted to ask your family photographer?!  I promise with all my heart you will see these topics on the blog these next coming months!

Leave a comment below… I would more than grateful!

In the meantime… here is a super adorable preview of a family I’m sharing next week!!!